From 2016 to 2019, the CTI was a partner in the European LIREQA project supported under the ERASMUS+ programme. The project dissemination conference took place on 22 May 2019 in Vilnius, Lithuania.
The main objective of LIREQA was to contribute to the fair recognition of qualifications by developing recommendations that make the link between academic recognition and internal and external quality assurance.
The practical recommendations from this work have been published in a report entitled: “Integrating Academic recognition and quality assurance : practical recommandations“. The drafting of these recommendations made the partners in the consortium aware of the need to address the three target groups separately: higher education institutions, quality assurance agencies and ENIC/NARIC centres.

The NARIC (National Academic Recognition Information Centre) based in Lithuania coordinated the project; partners were:
- 4 NARIC centres: Lithuania, Latvia, the Netherlands, Norway
- 4 quality assurance agencies: CTI, AQU (Catalogna), ANECA (Spain), ENQA (European Association for Quality Assurance in Higher Education)
- An “advisory group” composed of:
- the President of the Follow-up Committee of the Lisbon Convention on the Recognition of Qualifications
- a representative of ESU (European Student Union)
- a representative of HEIs designated by the EUA (European University Association)
- a former Board member of the NARIC Network