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In France
- Agence française du développement (AFD), participates in implementing the French policy on development and international solidarity. Climate, biodiversity, peace, education, urban planning, health, governance...
- Bureau national des élèves ingénieurs (BNEI), the engineering students’ association counts among the major stakeholders of the CTI (recruitment and training of the student experts, participation in working groups and CTI bodies, active participation in the annual CTI conference…)
- Campus France, a public establishment under the dual authority of the Ministry of Europe and Foreign Affairs and the Ministry of Higher Education and Research, is responsible for promoting the mobility of foreign students and researchers to France. As such, the agency is responsible for implementing a number of scholarship programmes, from publishing calls for applications to welcoming programme beneficiaries in France. Campus France also supervises the departure of French experts abroad and the arrival and hosting of foreign personalities and experts in France. The CTI sits in the Steering Committee for the label “Welcome in France” awarded by Campus France for the French governement.
- CFDT Cadres, trade union
- CFE-CGC / Confédération Francaise de l’Encadrement et Confédération Générale des Cadres, trade union
- CFTC, trade union
- Commission d’évaluation des formations et diplômes de gestion (CEFDG), the CEFDG’s mission is to organize quality control procedures for higher education in commerce and management with a view to the construction of the European Higher Education Area. It also examines the development of higher education management courses in line with the overall system of existing higher education courses.
- Conférence des directeurs des écoles françaises d’ingénieurs (CDEFI), a not-for-profit association representing all the directors of public and private engineering schools or components of institutions accredited through a CTI procedure to award engineering degrees. Created by decree in 1976, the CDEFI’s mission is to represent engineering schools and universities of technology in dealings with the French government, the European Union and international organizations.
- Conférence des Grandes Ecoles (CGE), association of nearly 300 members, including the “Grandes écoles” (engineering, management, architecture, political science, creation & design, journalism, military schools, veterinary and health schools, etc.), all of which are recognised by the State and award a Master’s degree. Its members also include companies and other organizations.
- CPME / Confédération des PME, Confederation od small and medium sized companies
- Expertise France, the French public international cooperation agency. It designs and implements projects which aim to contribute to the balanced development of partner countries, in line with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of the 2030 Agenda and the priorities of France’s external action. The CTI is a member of its Operational Advisory Committee for Higher Education.
- Fédération française du bâtiment (FFB), a professional employers’ organisation specializing in building engineering
- Fédération nationale des travaux publics (FNTP), a professional employers’ organisation specializing in civil engineering
- FO-Cadres / Union des Cadres et Ingénieurs Force Ouvrière, trade union
- France compétences, a national public institution under the supervision of the Ministry for Vocational Training, was created on 1 January 2019 by the Law of 5 September 2018 on the freedom to choose one’s professional future. Its mission is to finance, regulate and improve the quality system for vocational training and apprenticeships. France Compétences is responsible, among other things, for the National directroy of professional certifications (RNCP) and for the QUALIOPI label, which is compulsory for training providers wishing to benefit from vocational training funds.
- France Education international, created in 1945 under the name “Centre international d’études pédagogiques (CIEP)”, France Éducation international is an institution under the authority of the Ministry of National Education and Youth. Its missions, which are in line with the government’s priorities for international cooperation, focus on three areas of activity:
* cooperation in the fields of primary and secondary education, technical and vocational training and higher education;
* support for the teaching of French throughout the world, through the training of trainers and educational managers and through linguistic evaluation;
* international mobility, through language assistant and teacher exchange programmes and the recognition of foreign diplomas (ENIC-NARIC France Centre).
The CTI is a partner of FEi for the quality label FLE (French as a foreign language) as a member of its Guidance Council and in European and international projects.
- France Universités is the association of leaders of universities and higher education and research establishments, with the aim of bringing the voice and values of universities to public debate.
- Haut conseil de l’évaluation de la recherche et de l’enseignement supérieur (Hcéres), the independent public authority set up in 2014 to evaluate institutions, bachelor’s, master’s and doctoral degrees and research. Through its analyses, evaluations and recommendations, it supports and advises on improving the quality of higher education and research in France. The Hcéres cooperates with the CTI since its creation, continuing the work of its predecessor, the AERES.
- IESF, the association of French engineers and scientists, of which the CTI is a partner, notably for the annual survey of engineering graduates and for the visibility of the National Engineering Days, an annual IESF event.
- Institut national de la propriété intellectuelle (INPI), the French national institute for intellectual property, is a public body, entirely self-financed, under the supervision of the ministry responsible for intellectual property. In addition to registering titles (patents, trademarks, designs and models), it promotes economic development by raising awareness and promoting innovation in all its forms.
- Institut national de recherche et de sécurité pour la prévention des accidents du travail et des maladies professionnelles (INRS), the National Research and Safety Institute for the prevention of accidents at work and occupational illnesses, a not-for-profit association, created in 1947 under the aegis of the engineering school Cnam, administered by a joint board (employers and employees). From the acquisition of knowledge to its dissemination, via its transformation into practical solutions, the Institute uses its multidisciplinary resources to spread a culture of prevention in companies and offer tools adapted to the diversity of occupational risks. INRS has four complementary missions: studies and research, assistance, training and information and is a partner of the CTI.
- MEDEF, the largest network of entrepreneurs in France. The MEDEF places job creation and sustainable growth at the heart of its action. It promotes entrepreneurship and defends free enterprise.
- Ministries supervising engineering schools: Higher Education and Research; Armed Forces; Economy, Finance and Industrial and Digital Sovereignty; Ecological Transition and Territorial Cohesion; Agriculture and Food Sovereignty
- SYNTEC Federation, employers’ organization that represents French groups and companies specialising in the digital, engineering, consulting, events and professional training professions
- UGICT, trade union
- UIC Union des Industries Chimiques, the professional organization representing chemical companies in France.
- UIMM / Union des Industries et Métiers de la Métallurgie, the Union of Metallurgy Industries and Trades is a professional employers’ organisation specializing in employment law, it represents and defends the interests of the metalworking industries.
- Union des grandes écoles indépendantes (UGEI), a not-for-profit association created in 1993, which brings together private engineering and business schools that share a wish to preserve their independence. The work of its members complements that of public-owned higher education institutions, and reflects both the long tradition of private higher education in France and its constant adaptation to the industry’s changing needs.
- AACRAO, American Association of Collegiate Registrars and Admissions Officers
- AAQ, the Swiss QAA
- ABET, an American accreditation agency
- AEQES, Francophone QAA from the Wallonia & Bruxelles Federation in Belgium
- ARACIS, Romanian QAA
- ANEAQ, Moroccan QAA
- AUF, Agence universitaire de la francophonie
- ECA, European Consortium for Accreditation
- ENAEE, the association of the EUR-ACE®label
- Engineers Canada / Ingénieurs Canada
- Engineers Australia
- ENQA, European association of ESG compliant QAAs
- EQAR, European Quality Assurance Register
- FrAQ-Sup, network of Francophone QAAs
- NAQA, Ukrainian QAA
- OAQ, Ordre des ingénieurs agronomes du Québec
- OIFQ, Ordre des ingénieurs forestiers du Québec
- OIQ, Ordre des ingénieurs du Québec
- OIT, Ordre des ingénieurs de Tunisie
- UNIBASQ, Basque QAA, Spain