Every year, CTI conducts an assessment of the results of its procedures and programme accreditation process. In order to conduct this assessment, CTI has put in place different internal and external feedback mechanisms:
Internal feedback mechanisms
* Internal satisfaction surveys (for CTI members and experts);
* Monthly board meetings and plenary sessions;
* Quarterly meetings between the presidential team and the permanent staff team.
External feedback mechanisms
* Satisfaction survey addressed to the deans of the HEIs at the end of the accreditation procedure and presentation of the results at the CTI’s annual conference;
* Steering Committees, specialised Committees and Working Groups which deal with strategic issues and specific topics and come up with suggestions for improvement;
* Questions and suggestions submitted via the contact address (about 20 messages per week);
* Annual CTI conference taking stock of the previous accreditation campaign and launching the upcoming campaign;
* Meetings with stakeholders on specific subjects;
* Transversal analysis on engineering education or quality assurance by CTI members and experts, partner organisation or other organisations;
* Periodical external evaluation procedures by ENQA, EQAR and ENAEE.