Photo: from left to right, seated: El Mokhtar BAKKOUR, ANEAQ Director and Elisabeth CRÉPON, CTI President. From left to right, standing: Mohammed TIZGUI, ANEAQ Head of HR, Marie-Jo GOEDERT, CTI Executive director, Mohamed LAROSSI, ANEAQ Head of Evaluation of public education, Nabil GHARBI, ANEAQ Head of evaluation of education, Solange PISARZ, CTI Deputy Executive Director, Monica MOCANU, Audit Process Manager.
In Spring 2021, the French consortium of three organisations, CTI, France éducation international (FEi), the Haut conseil d’évaluation de la recherche et de l’enseignement supérieur (Hcéres) won a tender of the European Commission in the framework of the “Light Twinning” projects between two countries.
In this case, the twinning project was conceived to support the Moroccan agency ANEAQ in the reinforcement of its organisational and methodological capacities and its visibility in compliance with European standards of quality assurance.
The project was divided in two components:
- enabling the managers and staff of ANEAQ to master the techniques, methodology and principles of quality assurance inspired by European standards and practice ;
- supporting the agency in its compliance with international standards with a view to an international accreditation.
As part of this project, several Moroccan delegations were hosted by members of the French consortium in May and June 2022.
These exchanges led to the signing of a bilateral cooperation agreement between ANEAQ and the CTI on 20th May 2022.
On 8th November 2022, the activities were concluded at a conference in Rabat. The CTI was represented by Anne-Marie JOLLY, CTI Project Manager and Chair of the EUR-ACE® Label Committee of the European association ENAEE.