The CTI belongs to the 23 partners of the European project «On-line Quality Assurance and EUR-ACE® Accreditation of Engineering Programmes in the Mediterranean Area » (MEDACCR) co-financed by the ERASMUS+ programme.
The main objective of this project is to sustain the partner countries (Algeria, Jordan, Tunisia) to set up a quality assurance system that enables them to be authorized to award the European EUR-ACE® label in their countries. The activities include the:
- writing of criteria and guidelines in compliance with the international standards;
- organisation of training sessions for the future experts and managers of the evaluation procedures;
- carrying out of pilot accreditation procedures;
- design and development of an on-line tool for the documentation and follow-up of the quality assurance of engineering programmes.
To download the MEDACCR leaflet, click here.
More information on the official MEDACCR website : www.medaccr.eu
The MEDACCR final dissemination conference
The final dissemination conference of the MEDACCR project was organised online by ENSIT (Tunisia) on June 23rd and 24th 2021. The event programme may be uploaded here.
Link to join the conference: https://zoom.us/j/97965985375?pwd=cTNhS0lOclJTbFFiUHBkVnNVWk9TQT09