Communication / Information

The CTI internet site contains all relevant documentation on quality assurance, CTI activities and the engineering and Bachelor’s degrees. A FAQ section allows the stakeholders and general public, especially prospective students and their families, to gather information on accreditation issues. The email address enables the public to ask specific questions on any issue linked to engineering and/or quality assurance.
All accreditation decisions/recommendations and evaluation reports are published on the CTI internet site and the European database DEQAR. The awarded EUR-ACE® labels are also published in the ENAEE database and CeQuInt labels in the ECA database.

In 2010, CTI developed its own internal information system that evolves constantly. It enables CTI members, experts, registrars and permanent staff to have access to the files and all relevant documents regarding a review procedure. A new system is currently under development.

Since 2014, CTI publishes a Newsletter which may boast with 2000 subscribers. It enables CTI members, experts, stakeholders, media, general public to get information about the CTI’s ongoing activities and major evolutions. The Newsletter also represents an efficient way to spread analytical documents on the engineering profession and education and on quality assurance issues in Higher Education. It also includes announcements of events and articles by French and international partners and stakeholders.

Every year the CTI launches the upcoming campaign during its annual conference. It is not only attended by representatives from the HEIs which participate in the campaign, but also by many other HEIs and stakeholders who wish to update their information on the CTI’s Standards and Criteria, procedures and evolutions. It has become an exchange platform for engineering higher education, with up to 500 attendees in 2023, including foreign participants. The CTI members and permanent team play an active part in the organisation of the conference and the experts are invited to participate as part of their training.
Traditionally, the one-day conference is preceded by an afternoon workshop on international issues.

CTI representatives participated in the working group in charge of the revision of the EUR-ACE® Framework standards and guidelines (EAFSG). CTI also contributed actively in the translation of the EAFSG and of the ESG into French, in the framework of the network of quality assurance agencies from French speaking countries, FrAQ-Sup. This furthered a better awareness and understanding of the ESG and EAFSG amongst members, experts and stakeholders who are not native English speakers.

And last but not least, CTI representatives participate on a regular basis in national and international conferences and workshops, often as speakers and with publications and communications.

Many of the above mentioned information and communication tools are used to disseminate reports and documents of thematic analysis.

The CTI requires HEIs awarding one or more engineering degrees to ensure that the CTI’s decisions and recommendations for improvement are widely communicated within the institution, as well as to its stakeholders, in particular professional partners and students.

In addition, since 2012, each year the CTI has asked schools to complete Certified Data sheets, in accordance with European standards.

The CTI has created charters outlining some general principles concerning the use of the CTI logo and EUR-ACE® logo.

The CTI logos can be downloaded below.
