About higher education in France
Here are some documents giving information on the French higher education system
Here are some documents giving information on the French higher education system
More than 2,000 students get each year an engineer degree from an accredited foreign institution.
CTI is full member of ENQA since 2005. The membership regulations of ENQA require that CTI must undergo an external review at least once every 5 years.
To renew its membership at ENQA, CTI has asked NVAO to organize its external review.
In view of its ENQA membership renewal , CTI has prepared its self evaluation report.
This document presents supplements to the main volume.
Based on its unique membership and experience, CTI considers both the academic and professional aspects of curricula.
More than 2,000 students get each year an engineer degree from an accredited foreign institution.
“Références & Orientations (2006)” presents in details the standards, guidelines and procedures.